Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20, 2014


Your child has FIELD TRIP FORMS in their home communication folder.  We are going to Anne and Sandy Cross on October 29, 2014 to participate in the program "Keepers of the Land".  Each class requires 5 volunteers for us to be able to go so please email your child's teacher.  We will take volunteers in the order that we receive emails indicating an interest in volunteering.  If we receive more than 5 we will notify the extra volunteers that we will keep them on a wait list.  

Students had an AMAZING EXPERIENCE today doing DRUM FIT. Ask your child what it involved. 

FUN LUNCH for our two classes will be DIFFERENT than the rest of the school because of our field trip falling on the original school fun lunch planned day. 
**Our fun lunch day (for those that ordered) will be on TUESDAY OCTOBER 28TH, 2014**
***ALL STUDENTS need to bring a lunch on our field trip day!!!

Ms. Rauser's Math Group has been working on representing numbers in a variety of ways. Tonight their job is to: 
Show how you could represent the number --> 4258

**Practice your number words at home for spelling!!!